Friday, August 30, 2013

The Facebook Dilemma - Ads, Data Usage & the NSA vs. My Friends & Family

I posted the following on my Facebook account on August 30, 2013. I won't say much upfront baca use the post says it all. With the latest potential upcoming data usage changes from Facebook I may have finally hit my Facebook tipping point where the negatives (as I see them) might outweigh the positives.

Originally posted on my Facebook:

"Since the new year I've been using Facebook less and less. Since the Edward Snowden/NSA revelations I've been cutting down how much of my information goes up on any online service.

With the upcoming Facebook data use policy changes and all the ads they've added over the last few years I don't think the positives of Facebook outweigh the negatives anymore.

As has been widely noted online: "if you're not paying for something, you're not the customer; you're the product being sold".