Friday, February 22, 2013

Shufflephones 2.0 - New Hotness Edition

This photo album and instructions for my second project for making an iPod Shuffle fit inside a pair of headphones was originally posted on my now defunct site back in 2005. Thanks to I am now able to resurrect it. You can find the page as it originally looked (more or less) here

I've also tried to leave the original typography/layout intact as much as possible. Unfortunately is seems the higher resolution images didn't seem to survive and I had to cludge the HTML tables a bit to fit. You can find the flickr set for these images here. (Appears my Flickr Pro ran out.) I uploaded higher resolution images to an imgut album here. Head past the jump for a blast from the past.

NOTE: The images below look like the have links to something but in fact they simply link back to this post. Apologies. Resurrecting the dead isn't perfect. I uploaded higher resolution images to the imgur album Jim Younkin's Shufflephones Ver. 2.0.

Shufflephones 1.0 - Old Skool Edition

This photo album and instructions for making an iPod Shuffle fit inside a pair of retro headphones was originally posted on my now defunct site in 2005. Thanks to I am now able to resurrect it. You can find the page as it originally looked (more or less) here

I've also tried to leave the original typography/layout intact as much as possible. Unfortunately is seems the higher resolution images didn't seem to survive and I had to cludge the HTML tables a bit to fit. You can find the flickr set for these images here. (Appears my Flickr Pro ran out.) I uploaded higher resolution version to an imgur album here. (Phillip Torrone from Make Magazine even commented on this photo.) Head past the jump for a blast from the past.

NOTE: The images below look like the have links to something but in fact they simply link back to this post. Apologies. Resurrecting the dead isn't perfect. I uploaded higher resolution versions of the images to the imgur album Jim Younkin's Shufflephones Ver. 1.0.

Bringing Back the Rainbow Apple Logo 12 Inch Powerbook Style!

This photo album and instructions for changing your logo on the 12" PowerBook from white to original Apple logo rainbow colors was originally posted on my now defunct site in 2004(?). Thanks to I am now able to resurrect it. You can find the page as it originally looked (more or less) hereI've also tried to leave the original typography/layout intact as much as possible. Unfortunately is seems the higher resolution images didn't seem to survive. Head past the jump for a blast to the past.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

On Internet Trolls and Critics

You can always tell you are doing something right because people start trying to tear you down.

When I worked as a community manager for an MMORPG developer I had plenty of practice dealing with internet trolls and other loud, bilious and spiteful people. Read on past the jump my thoughts on internet trolls.

How I Use To Podcast For Free - Quick & Dirty Edition

I produce a podcast for my Power Word: Gold blog called (unsurprisingly) The Power Word: Gold Podcast.

I was asked by another blogger wanting to start a podcast for any advice. I've decided to share my response to them with all of you in hope that it might help point you in the right direction if you are thinking about getting into podcasting and are looking for a completely free podcast hosting solution.

Read on past the jump for more.