Thursday, June 16, 2016

Smartphones - Friend or Foe?

Today I thought I would talk about smartphones. I think that the smartphone is also some what of a totem or avatar for something that one might call the invasion of technology into our lives.

I say invasion but it could also be viewed as an augmentation of our lives. I think that whether something is benign and benevolent or on the other hand some sort of invasive species that must be curbed is an interesting question.

It seems that smartphones and all the relevant technology around them (wireless internet, cameras, etc) have the potential to provide us with real-life benefits as well as the potential for real-life negatives (like ignoring those around you).

If you spend

Sorry. I was just interrupted by my smartphone letting me know that someone had made an offer on one of my eBay auctions.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Through a Glass Darkly - On Improving Our Natures

What drives the darker natures found in us humans? What drives us to do things that are not only counter to our God-given good natures but also cause us self-harm?

What drives someone to do something that would harm themselves?

That is the question.

I feel that deep down inside of all of use there is a dark swirling pool of what one might call “stuff”.

This stuff is made up of so many different things. It is made up of memories. It is made up of biases and emotions.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Piles of Pebbles - Living Better Each Day

I think today I’ll write about what it is to be “in the world” and be surrounded by “life”.

As I was sitting at work and listening to some heavy metal music with some explicit words I began to think about what it is about life that makes us want to consume items that are ultimately harmful to ourselves.

I suppose you could chalk it up to human beings being inherently self-destructive beings but I don’t really think that is the case.